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Colombia - Humberto Moreno Pink Bourbon (wholesale)

Humberto Moreno is one of the very first members of El Carmen that started to work with Raw Material all the way back in  2017.  He and his family own their farm neighbouring the township of El Carmen de Acevedo. Humberto has been one of few avid coffee producers with a lot of interest in innovation, focussed on improving coffee quality. 


He has led several projects with SENA, using by-products of coffee production to produce other products such as cascara, wine, and sweets from cherry skins and mucilage. Through SENA he has learnt about cupping protocol and other coffee related activities.


Association: El Carmen de Acevedo
Region: Huila
Country: Colombia

Altitude: 1400 - 1600 MASL

Colombia - Humberto Moreno Pink Bourbon (wholesale)

Roast profile: omni
  • pink bourbon

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