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Dino's Coffee

Dino's Coffee Brew Guides: Sierra Mazateca - Mexico

Welcome to our second instalment of Dino's Coffee Brew guides, a series intended to showcase our preferred ways of enjoying the coffees on offer here at Dino's.

This edition is all about the Sierra Mazateca Washed, a regional lot that has adapted perfectly to our omni roast profiling. Read on to see how we've been enjoying it both as a filter brew as well as on espresso!


Option 1: Immersion

Our recipe:

14g coffee - freshly ground

250ml water

2m45s total brew time

We've been brewing this coffee through a v60 switch, ground at 5 on our Fellow Ode.

We start with 14g of coffee, ensuring that the filter paper has been sufficiently rinsed through (we used the Cafec Abaca papers for this) and that the switch is shut.

Next we add 250mls of 96⁰ water (1:18 brew ratio) all at once, within about 25-30 seconds, making sure the coffee is fully saturated. Then we break the crust and allow the coffee to steep for 2 minutes.

At the 2 minute mark, stir a final time and press the switch down to release the coffee. The draw down should take a further 45 seconds to a minute, so if it's a little faster then you might want to try a finer grind size.

It's a nice and simple brew recipe, for what we think is an ideal coffee to start the day!


Option 2: Espresso

We've been LOVING The Sierra Mazateca as an espresso - at the roastery we dial in all our coffees on the Sage Barista Express for home users, but we also have the benefit of being able to test our roasts on Laurence's setup at Interlude Coffee, which is the extremely enviable Kees Van Der Westen Spirit with Idromatic groupheads.

Our recipe:

15g in

45g out

40 seconds

We're finding that this coffee really shines at about 3 weeks rest onwards as a slightly longer espresso, and the result is an incredibly sweet and juicy brew.

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